PCR Series - Taqman Reaction Premix
PCR Series - Taqman Reaction Premix

PCR Series - Taqman Reaction Premix

Taqman Premium is a real-time quantitative PCR based on the unique two-component hot start Taq polymerase 2 × Premixed liquid. This product already contains all fluorescent quantitative PCR components except for primers and sample DNA, which can reduce operational steps, shorten sample addition time, and reduce the probability of contamination. It is suitable for TaqMan probe detection using cDNA or DNA as samples.

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Article Number

Product NameChinese NameSpecificationsCatalog Price (Yuan)
DE00301Taqman PreMixTaqman reaction premix1ML*4888

Taqman Premium is a real-time quantitative PCR based on the unique two-component hot start Taq polymerase 2 × Premixed liquid. This product already contains all fluorescent quantitative PCR components except for primers and sample DNA, which can reduce operational steps, shorten sample addition time, and reduce the probability of contamination. It is suitable for TaqMan probe detection using cDNA or DNA as samples. Due to the design of some brand models of fluorescence quantitative PCR instruments, there are slight differences in fluorescence signals between the PCR wells of these instruments, so reference Dye needs to be added for correction. This series of products is equipped with ROX Reference Dyes of different concentrations, please choose according to the specific model.

Can reduce operational steps, shorten sampling time, and reduce the probability of contamination

1. Before use, please gently mix it upside down to avoid foaming, and use after briefly centrifuging.

2. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing of Mix, and try to use it within 3 months after opening.

Problem Description

Possible causes


Chaotic or missing amplification curve


Incorrect instrument settings

Improper concentration of primers or templates

Adjust the settings according to the instrument manual

Adjusting the concentration of primers and templates

Improper PCR reaction conditions

Reduce annealing temperature, extend extension time, etc. For target fragments with high GC-content, the denaturation time can be appropriately extended

Primers or templates have advanced structures

Redesign primers

Poor sample purity

Further purification of samples

Quantitative value

Poor repeatability

Incorrect instrument settings

Adjust the settings according to the instrument manual

Poor sample purity

Further purification of samples

Improper primer concentration

Attempt to increase primer concentration appropriately

Improper PCR reaction conditions

Attempt to reduce annealing temperature, extend extension time, etc

Improper primer design

Redesign primers to reduce the advanced structure of the target fragment

Experimental operation error

Strictly follow the operating procedures to ensure accurate volume of each component in the reaction system

Blank control

Signal appears

Pollution occurs

Firstly, replace the blank control with water; If the same situation persists, continue to replace primers, gun heads, PCR tubes, or activate a new Mix

Taqman reaction ...

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