PCR Series - Chemical Dye Method Quantitative PCR Premix (Independent ROX)
Taq HS qPCR Premium is SYBR ® Green I chimeric dye method specific qPCR reagent,...
PCR series-Antibody and Dye Method Quantitative PCR Premix (universal)
Taq qPCR premix (universal) is a qPCR reagent dedicated to SYBR Green I chimeric...
PCR Series-Probe Method Quantitative PCR Premix(universal)
Taq HS Probe qPCR Premix (Universal) is a 2× premixed liquid product for real-ti...
PCR Series-Bsu DNA Large Fragment Polymerase
The DNA large fragment polymerase produced by our company is derived from Bacill...
Rapid Endonuclease SfiI
Jinji Rapid Endonuclease is a series of restriction endonuclease that have been ...
Rapid Endonulease BglII
Jinji rapid Endonuclease is a series of restriction endonuclease that have been ...