Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis—  Second-Generation Safe Nucleic Acid Dye Safe Red
Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis—  Second-Generation Safe Nucleic Acid Dye Safe Red

Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis— Second-Generation Safe Nucleic Acid Dye Safe Red

The second-generation safe nucleic acid dye Safe Red is an ultra safe, highly sensitive, and stable fluorescent nucleic acid dye with a concentration of 10,000 ×, compatible with commonly used electrophoretic buffer solutions such as TAE and TBE. The second-generation safe nucleic acid dye Safe Red has a large molecular weight and cannot penetrate the cell membrane, making it safe and non-toxic. Its sensitivity is higher than that of traditional dye EB.

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Article No.Product NameChinese NameSpecificationsPrice(Yuan)
DD00401二代安全核酸染料Safe RedSecond-Generation Safe Nucleic Acid Dye Safe Red10000 ×,500 μl598

The second-generation safe nucleic acid dye Safe Red is an ultra safe, highly sensitive, and stable fluorescent nucleic acid dye with a concentration of 10,000 ×, compatible with commonly used electrophoretic buffer solutions such as TAE and TBE. The second-generation safe nucleic acid dye Safe Red has a large molecular weight and cannot penetrate the cell membrane, making it safe and non-toxicIts sensitivity is higher than that of traditional dye EB. It can be used as a staining agent for various nucleic acid electrophoresis, suitable for staining various fragment sizes. It is perfectly compatible with the standard UV gel imaging system and the visible light excited gel observation device. It is suitable for UV gel imaging system or blue visible light excited gel observation and safe gel cutting. It is a safe, non-toxic and highly sensitive new nucleic acid dye. Compared to the previous generation of Safe Red DNA Stain dye, the second generation of safe nucleic acid dye Safe Red improves the dyeing intensity under blue light, while the dyeing strength is similar under UV excitation.

1. Safe and non-toxic: The unique characteristics of oily macromolecules prevent the dye from penetrating the cell membrane and entering the cell. The results of the Ames test also indicate that the mutagenicity of this dye is much lower than that of EB.

2. High sensitivity: Suitable for electrophoretic staining of various sizes of fragments, with minimal impact on nucleic acid migration.

3. High stability: Suitable for preparing agarose gel by microwave or other heating methods; Extremely stable in acid or alkaline buffer at room temperature, with strong light resistance.

4. High signal-to-noise ratio: The sample has a strong fluorescence signal and a low background signal.

5. Simple operation: it does not degrade in the process of preform and electrophoresis, and can be observed directly with visible light gel transmission instrument.

6. Wide application range: You can choose pre electrophoresis staining (gel staining method) or post electrophoresis staining (immersion staining method); Suitable for agarose gel or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; Can be used for dsDNA, ssDNA, or RNA staining.

7. Perfect compatibility: It is applicable to ultraviolet gel imaging system excited by 254nm or gel observation device excited by blue visible light.

1. Dyes are recommended to be stored at room temperature as they are prone to precipitation at low temperatures. If precipitation occurs before use, it can be heated at 45~50 ℃ for 2 minutes and then vortex mixed evenly.

2. Preferably recommend immersion staining method. When using immersion staining method for dyeing, the second-generation safe nucleic acid dye Safe Red () staining solution can be reused for about 3 times.

If gel staining method is used for staining, it is recommended to use a lower voltage during electrophoresis and extend the electrophoresis time appropriately; Reduce the amount of DNA sample loading (between 2~15 ng) to avoid band dispersion or the appearance of 'smiling faces'; Reduce the gel concentration and improve the resolution of large segments

Second generatio...

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