PCR series PCR amplification kit
PCR series PCR amplification kit

PCR series PCR amplification kit

Jinji PCR MasterMix (2X) is a real-time solution containing TaqDNA polymerase, optimized Taq Green buffer, MgCI2, and dNTPs. Two tracking dyes and one density reagent are added to the main mixture, which can directly conduct gel electrophoresis of PCR products.

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Article NumberProduct NameChinese NameSpecificationsCatalog Price (Yuan)
DP00102SPCR Master Mix (2×)PCR amplification kit1.25ml/branch88
DP00102MPCR Master Mix (2×)PCR amplification kit1.25ml*5418

Jinji PCR MasterMix (2X) is a real-time solution containing TaqDNA polymerase, optimized Taq Green buffer, MgCI2, and dNTPs. Two tracking dyes and one density reagent are added to the main mixture, which can directly conduct gel electrophoresis of PCR products. The dye of the main mixture will not interfere with the performance of PCR, and is compatible with downstream applications (such as DNA sequencing, linking and digestion). The main mixture retains all the characteristics of TaqDNA polymerase. It can amplify from genomic DNA to 6kb and from viral DNA to 20kb.

1. Adopting a 2x reaction system

Easy to use, experiments can be conducted by adding primers, templates, and water.

2. Adopting a pre mixed dual dye system

After the PCR reaction is completed, the agarose electrophoresis experiment is conducted directly without the need to add electrophoresis sample buffer; The red and yellow dual dyes provide more accurate indications of electrophoretic position.

3. Strong PCR amplification ability

two × Taq PCR Master Mix uses GMP level high-quality DNA polymerase, which can significantly improve PCR amplification capability after optimization.

4. Unique reaction conditions optimize and stabilize the system

The unique PCR enhancer and stabilizer can be used to amplify high GC template, complex Protein secondary structure template and low copy template; Unique optimization system, long-term storage at -20 ℃ will not affect the experimental quality, and can withstand repeated freezing and thawing; PCR Mix is suitable for PCR experiments on various types of templates (cDNA, gDNA, plasmids).

1. Due to the highly sensitive PCR reaction, which can amplify the target gene sequence by more than 10 million times, when using Taq enzyme, please pay attention to avoiding contamination of trace amounts of DNA to be amplified, and try to set up blank controls without templates to confirm whether there is contamination of DNA to be amplified.

2. The error probability of each cycle of Taq DNA polymerase in the PCR process is about 2.2x10-5. For cloning of DNA fragments larger than 1kb, it is recommended to use DNA polymerase with lower error probability, such as Pfu DNA polymerase, BeyoTaq DNA polymerase, etc. For ordinary PCR or RT-PCR qualitative or quantitative testing, Taq DNA polymerase is the best choice.

3. For your safety and health, please wear White coat and disposable gloves.

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